Living in Los Angeles, one gets spoiled into thinking and believing that the sun is always shining. In the 40 years I’ve lived in LA, this has been the rainiest “winter” we’ve ever experienced. With the rains comes an extended or cyclical cold and flu season. Though I got the flu shot last year and (knock on wood) have not gotten the flu, I’m now at the beginning stages of my second consecutive cold.
The first one started right after the MLK, Jr. weekend. It started as a bit of fluid in my throat which I couldn’t clear. A week later, I started to cough which evolved into a hacking cough that spiraled out of control, eventually causing me to pull a rib muscle by the 3rd week of the cold. The 4th week added the discomfort of a sinus congestion but then finally by the 5th week, the symptoms appeared to have subsided, along with the rains.
Sadly, the reprieve would be short lived, much like the clear blue skies. The rain returned with a vengeance and so did Round 2 of my cold, complete with coughing and another pulled rib muscle on the opposite side.
This time, rather than being passive like the first round, I’m actively fighting it. I’m on oscilloccocinum, a homeopathic remedy primarily for flus though it tends to shorten or lessen the symptoms of a cold as well. I also changed my toothbrush, am gargling with warm salt water, drinking lots of water and organic green tea, will be taking naps and going to bed early. On day 3 of the cold, I got up early and went to the store to buy some zinc, organic grapefruit and organic ingredients for my homemade low sodium organic chicken soup.
The one ingredient I didn’t include is celery, due to my allergies. This delicate panda has her eyelid puff up like Will Smith in that movie “Hitch” so that I can’t actually see out of that eye so no celery for me. I did however put a whole onion and a whole garlic in the mix to ward off vampires and humans in general with my oh so attractive scent which will eventually come out of my pores. Also, onions and garlic have been used for centuries to help rebuild the immune system. I don’t normally eat carrots because of their sugar content but they are an excellent source of beta carotene which is a natural antioxidant. I used bone broth in lieu of regular chicken broth or stock as it has the added boost of more protein.
And now onto the recipe.
1 organic yellow onion, chopped

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