Paris – See. Eat. Shop.

Paris – See. Eat. Shop.

In the summer of 2022, my husband and I went on a ten-day Parisian vacation.  It was curated primarily around restaurants and sites with a sprinkle of luxury shopping along the way.  If I’m speaking your language, then welcome, and I hope you enjoy this very detailed itinerary as we explored Paris with our eyes, tummies and wallets.

Our first introduction to Paris’ melting pot of culture and flavors presented itself in the Marais, our home away from home. Upon checking into our VRBO, we headed out to the famed Marches Enfants Rouge.

It had previously been a children’s hospital in its former life but was transformed into an open-air farmers market where one could buy produce as well as sample some of the local eats.

Since we were still getting our bearings and the market was further away than we anticipated, we stopped off at Au Coeur du Marais where we met Clem, a fantastic bartender who upon seeing our Rolling Stones shirts, immediately comped us a drink as the Stones were his favorite band.

In addition to our first drink, the restaurant/bar was also where we had our first meal in the city. Clem ordered us an off-the menu special, a jambon et fromage baguette. It was actually quite good and very filling.

After our pre-lunch drink and snack, we headed to the market to a stall called Les Enfants du Marche which I’m sad to say was a disappointment despite all the hype.

My husband ordered a salmon and apricot entrée (28 euros), and I opted for a dry aged sirloin (35 euros) as well as a tall chilled glass of beer.

The latter was probably the best part of our order. Sadly, the salmon was lackluster and oddly flavored, and the sirloin was quite chewy and barely edible.

Disappointed but not discouraged, we headed back towards home and picked up some groceries at the store across our pied-a-terre and then unpacked and got some R&R before getting ready for our first dinner outing.

I found Datscha from the Forbes list of 20 Best Restaurants to try in Paris and opted to make it our first Parisian dinner due to its close proximity to our VRBO.

Upon entering the restaurant, we walked into a dark cavern which opened up to an expansive bright lush atrium where we were seated for our dinner experience. We lucked into a fabulous server named Aniss, who took the time to explain the highlights of the menu in English.

The flatbread had a salty pretzel type aftertaste with a hint of an oniony component.

The fried lasagna was quite unique and served in a pool of sauce with a bit of citrus, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and a hint of heat from the pepper.

The coconut curry almost had the consistency of a cake with maybe some egg and a cold slightly hard cheese mixed in for a bit of texture and complexity. It was served with their version of a miniature Caesar salad. The romaine was thick, crisp but diminutive.

The monkfish was by far my favorite. It was a thick piece of filet with a creamy citrus sauce and had a bit of smoke but wasn’t overdone.

Our dessert was a tangy berry sherbet topped with a chocolatey syrup and a burnt white chocolate crust which was exceptionally unique. By 8 p.m. the restaurant was full, and there wasn’t one empty seat in the house. It was definitely quite popular with the younger, attractive, upwardly mobile crowd. The restaurant surprisingly played an eclectic selection of LA old school gangster rap ranging from Snoop, Dr. Dre and Tupac. I would describe Datscha as upscale, a definite must try if one is a foodie and looking for unique interpretations of various dishes in a unique setting.

After dinner, we decided to wander off and literally get lost.

We walked by the Centre Pompidou,

observed a few street acts,

sauntered by a few floral festooned restaurants,

stopping by one for a drink.

Then we meandered past a mall and beautiful church, and that’s where things went awry. I failed to bring my portable battery, and our router had gone dead.

We wandered the streets trying to pick up on free wifi and ended up eating a second dinner of sorts of delicious creamy bacon carbonara and fries and ordered some additional adult beverages. Despite the wifi access, we still could not figure out how to get back so by some miracle on a busy night, we were able to hail a cab. Exhausted and in a panic, we rattled off our address in broken French interspersed with English which caused our driver to give us an ultimatum: chill out or get out as our negative energy was exhausting him. That was a jolt of reality as we did need to reset. Luckily, we calmed ourselves down, he figured out where we needed to go, and he dropped us off in front of our rental.

The next morning was our first of two luxury hauls. We headed over to Coco Chanel’s original store at 31 Rue Cambon. I had tried for months to get an appointment and was unable so we planned to wait in line. By the time we arrived at 10:20 a.m., there were already two lines inside the store. As it didn’t appear to be moving, I left my husband to wait as I walked across the street to Dior where I had an 11 a.m. appointment.

I was assigned a young male sales associate who spoke impeccable English as he was a student at Columbia University and working at the store during his summer break. I selected my purse, the coordinating thin silk scarfs and charms for the bag I chose, provided my passport for the VAT refund and payment information and returned to Chanel while the Dior purchases were being packed.

An hour after initially entering Chanel, we were greeted by a female sales associate who led us to the ready to wear section as she collected the two bags that I requested. I opted for the larger of the two as it accommodated my sunglasses as well as my cardholder and a few other small items.

After another hour spent with the formalities involved in submission of the VAT refund, we headed to our final shopping destination of the day.

We had made arrangements via email to meet with a sales associate at Breitling so the process of purchasing was fairly seamless and since we put a large dent in our accounts, when we were offered a bottle of chilled vodka, we accepted gleefully and decided to celebrate early.

Needing sustenance after an arduous morning, we made our way to the famous Angelina.

There was a line to enter, but it only took about fifteen minutes and was definitely worth the wait.

Our first course was the Caesar salad which was tangy and cheesy and quite generous in size.

Next to be served was the pasta dish which was robust in flavor and complemented with a Parmesan crisp.

My fish and chips were lightly battered but tender and flaky and served with delicate, dainty, crispy fries.

For dessert, we ordered the hot white chocolate which was quite creamy and smooth and definitely a decadent treat.

The chocolate praline was a nice accompaniment and hit all the right notes: slightly bitter with a crunchy shell and a creamy middle.

After lunch, we collected my Dior purchases and then headed home for a bit of rest before getting ready for the evening.

Our second evening’s dinner was at Le Comptoir de Traboule which was a great neighborhood find.

We started with the saumon gravlax which my husband commented was sushi grade quality fish. It was served with a crispy tempura and apricot sesame sauce which gave it a slightly sweet flavor.

Next up was the soft-shell crab which was crunchy on the outside and juicy on the inside and set on a green curry sauce which gave it an Asian flare.

The sliced beef tataki had an onion flavor in its dipping sauce and was seared but slightly pink in the center.

Last but definitely not least was my personal favorite dish of the night which was the asparagus with egg which had a creamy soup appearance.

We ended off our dining experience with a mug chocolate cake which was served piping hot. The inside was bittersweet, rich and gooey that it definitely gave us a jolt of caffeine.

We had 9 p.m. tickets for the Eiffel Tower so we headed out for our eight minute walk from the restaurant.

Unlike our first visit, we opted to see the city from the tower at dusk.

In late June, the sun sets at 9:46 p.m. so we had a bit of time to enjoy the view from above.

We stayed up top until the tower was lit which occurred around 10 p.m. After a few obligatory purchases from the gift shop, we made our way down so that we could see the twinkling lights from the street which began right at 11 p.m. It was magical and breathtaking and well worth the effort and the wait. We hailed a taxi and headed back for the evening.

Our third day in Paris had us heading out quite early for a guided Versailles Palace and garden tour.

Coincidentally, we headed back to an area quite close to the Eiffel Tower which was our meeting point. After a fairly short bus ride, we arrived at Versailles which already had long lines of people waiting to be admitted.

One of the upsides to a guided tour is being allowed into a less congested entrance.

The other bonus was the history lesson with our guide who pointed out specific paintings and certain pieces of furniture which were significant in the lives of those who previously inhabited the palace’s walls.

After a very detailed tour of the interior, we were given our tickets to explore the gardens.

Unfortunately, we only had one hour left and the area was so expansive that we just stayed in the area near the palace.

Because we visited on a Saturday in the summer, the gardens offered a water show at each of the designated locations.

After our Versailles visit, we hailed a taxi to take us to our lunch reservation at Chez L’Ami Jean which I accurately assessed would be the best of the best during our visit to Paris. I first heard about the restaurant from one of Phil Rosenthal’s episodes which was set in Paris.

Chef Stephane Jego was behind the kitchen the entire time with only one person helping him. Observing him from our table, he prepared every dish with precise accuracy like a surgeon.

We ordered a few items so that we would have an accurate assessment of the experience.

The first dish was a thick filet of tuna which had a smoky flavor akin to a steak but was moist and had a slightly crispy burnt texture. The peas were crisp, fresh and served with sliced beets, and both served as perfect accompaniments to the marinated tuna.

Our second dish was the asparagus which was perfectly grilled and layered with a thin sliver of cheese.

The chef sent out a complimentary off-the-menu risotto with onion and peas. It was sensational, creamy with a subtle hint of onion flavor. Truth be told, I ordinarily don’t care for onions, but Chef’s version of the dish was so tasty, almost porridge-like and surprisingly and unexpectedly perfect.

Next up was the beef stew which was incredibly tender, with a wine and shallot aftertaste. The broth had a mixture of peas and crispy asparagus spears.

The mashed potatoes served alongside were super creamy.

The fish of the day was sea bass which was served on a bed of sliced carrots and onions. The preparation of the fish was exceptional as it was tender and flaky and was quite a generous serving.

The rice pudding served with toasted nuts and salted caramel was my childhood dream reincarnated. Our server told us that just the week prior, during fashion week, Justin Timberlake came in to pick up the pudding to take back to his hotel room.

We were seated right next to the kitchen where we watched Chef crank out dish after dish, plating each one meticulously. He clearly was focused on the best quality ingredients as well as the importance of every dish being cooked properly and served at the appropriate temperature.  While we enjoyed our lunch, we observed him yelling at his staff to hasten their pace to get the food to each of the guests within a minute of him finishing up the final touches.  Our server told us that he had a flat upstairs where his ex-wife and child lived, and he took naps in between service.  Every morning, he went to the market and chose the freshest ingredients.  Upon hearing about Chef’s dedication to quality of ingredients and observing his passion for cooking, we decided to make Chez L’Ami Jean a regular stop for every upcoming visit to Paris.  

After our very rich and opulent lunch, we attempted to hail a taxi or grab an Uber. Unfortunately, it was drizzling, and our options were few and far between. We stopped at a bar to have a drink and regroup. Our bartender mentioned that there was a taxi stand down the block where we could catch a ride to head back to our condo.

After a short rest and shower, we headed out for the evening.

Unbeknownst to us, the pre-show dinner at Ginger which came with our Crazy Horse reservation was going to be the best part of our evening. We were provided a prix fixe menu with a few options.

Our starters were the egg rolls which were super crispy and flavorful and the tuna tartare which tasted fresh and savory.

Then for our entrees, my husband chose the fish which was quite flaky and moist, and I ordered the beef which was amazingly tender and was pure umami.

Each entree included a choice of one of three side options, but we paid a bit extra to get all three which were white rice sprinkled with sesame seeds drizzled with sesame oil, noodles stir fried in soy sauce and crisp and lightly seasoned veggies.

We ended our meal with a chocolate molten cake which was just beyond divine.

During dinner, we befriended a couple who were also heading to the theater. They were witnesses to the horrific display aka “show.” Our entrance fee included a bottle of champagne which was beyond awful and almost rancid. We weren’t sure if the “girls” on stage were actually live or if what we were watching was previously recorded footage which was projected onto the stage. There was nothing risqué or interesting about their performance.

At one point, I fell asleep and stayed asleep until the end of the show. At least I got some extra rest and was able to put myself out of misery.

When we arrived back in the Marais, we came upon a very packed and lively crowd. We did not realize that it was Pride, and all of the restaurants and bars in the Marais were busting at the seams. It was a site to behold, and we consider ourselves fortunate to have been at the right place at the right time. After spending a few minutes walking about watching the celebrations, we headed back to our condo and turned in for the evening.

The next day was a bit of a reprieve from the intense schedule from the days prior.

We decided to take a leisurely walk to Musee d’Orsay but on the way, we encountered a bicycle race along the Seine. It was difficult to pass to get to the other side of the street as there were so many participants.

Once inside the museum, we utilized the Rick Steves’ app for a self-guided audio tour of the museum.

It was larger than I remembered, but it was still by far my favorite of all museums in Paris as it housed my favorite impressionist painters.

After a few hours, we made our way to Cafe Campana which had changed its format since our first visit. It was no longer cafeteria style and instead transitioned into a sit-down dining area with servers.

We ordered the Caesar salad which was a very generous portion. There were large slices of chicken interspersed amongst the egg wedges, lettuce and cheese slivers.

My husband ordered a penne pasta with tomato sauce served with cheese slices drizzled with pesto sauce.

I ordered a chicken dish with Moroccan flavors. The rice had a toasted burnt almond taste interspersed with the moist chicken sitting in a tomato stew. We were served dinner rolls which unfortunately were tough as cardboard and inedible.

We decided to hop on a Batobus on our way back to our neighborhood. Pro-tip: Order the tickets online for a discount.

Unfortunately, the sun was blazing hot, and it was quite uncomfortable during our cruise, but it was nice to see the city from a different vantage point.

After a much-needed nap from the busy morning, we headed out to a Guy Savoy restaurant within walking distance called L’Atelier Maitre Albert. The restaurant was a bit dark and cavernous inside, but it seemed fairly popular and filled up quickly.

We were served with a complimentary amuse bouche starter of what may have been salami as well as room temperature carrot soup which seemed like an odd pairing. There was definitely a contrasting theme of salty vs mildly sweet. The rest of the dinner followed the same oddity of flavors.

The chicken liver salad was next, and it was served hot and smoky with a crisp, cold lettuce which was drizzled with light dressing.

My husband opted for a cold soup which appeared to be some kind of green vegetable puree. There were two slim square pieces of goat cheese at the bottom of the soup bowl. Both starters were quite good.

I ordered the chicken with potato gratin for dinner. The chicken was a bit dry though the skin was slightly crispy.

My favorite part of the dish was the dollop of mashed potatoes which were so creamy and rich that it almost tasted like a decadent smoky macaroni and cheese side dish.

My husband ordered the salmon which was excellent and a far better choice.

However, the buckwheat risotto he ordered on the side was grainy and set atop a mild mushroom broth which gave it a bit of moisture.

For dessert, we ordered a hot roasted peach tart with sorbet and a chocolate cream tart with raspberry sorbet. All in all, it was a fairly reasonably priced dinner but not one of the standouts of our trip.

We decided to walk off our dinner and head to Ile Saint-Louis. It’s the area where we stayed on our first trip to Paris.

I had read that the Moulin Rouge dancers frequented Aux Trois Mailletz during their time off so since it was fairly close, we headed over and stayed for a few songs, even witnessing a 50th birthday family dinner celebration.

Afterwards, we walked around and visited our former hotel before heading to get a bit of a late night scoop of ice cream from the famous Berthillon.

We polished it off while sitting on the banks of the Seine.

Monday took us on a different path as we headed to Place des Vosges and then Place de la Bastille. It was a long walk which was going to be rewarded with a stop at what David Lebovitz determined was the bakery which served the best croissant in all of Paris.

Unfortunately, I did not check Ble Sucre’s website until we were at the square and was horrified to learn after our nearly two hour walk that it was closed on Mondays. By this point, my husband was “hangry” and looking at the sky, it seemed as if rain was imminent.

In a panic, I quickly googled “best croissant” in the area and managed to find one that was a five-minute walk from our location. It ended up being a blessing in disguise as our happy accidental find became our favorite bakery in Paris.

Artisan Boulangerie Saint Antoine had a small outdoor dining area on its sidewalk which not every bakery had in Paris.

We ordered the chicken and mustard poppy seed baguette which had a mild flavor, was lightly dressed and beyond delicious. In addition, we also ordered the chocolat pistache escargot which I had seen in several YouTube videos as a “must order” and their version was insanely delicious and is now my favorite pastry. Lastly, we also ordered a croissant which was crisp on the outside but light and airy on the inside. It was truly the best 7.50 euros spent on the trip!

Luckily, the skies cleared by the time we were done with our mid-morning snack, and we headed off to the colorful Rue Cremiuex to take a few Instagrammable photos and proceeded to have some soothing, warming organic tea at the nearby Le Cremieux. After a quick respite, we headed to our lunch spot which was about a thirty-minute walk away.

Le Servan was also featured in Forbes’ best restaurants and was helmed by two half Filipino, half French sisters. One was the chef and the other ran front of house. The restaurant sat on the corner of a busy street with both indoor and outdoor seating. We opted to sit indoors as we had a view of the somewhat open kitchen.

We started off with the ravioli which was quite mild but had a bit of nuttiness from the peanuts interspersed throughout. It sat in a broth that was reminiscent of a wonton soup.

The Caesar salad had a bit of heat from the kimchi and was heavily dressed but it didn’t overpower the dish perhaps because of the crispy lardons and egg. The latter starter was definitely the perfect exemplification of a euro Asian fusion dish.

For our first entrée, we opted for the duck which was very dense and thick, almost like a steak. The skin was a bit too chewy so off it came. The green beans were in a Worcestershire, soy-based sauce much like an oyster sauce which added a bit of Asian flare to the traditional French dish.

The tuna, however, was the more exceptional of the two. It was also thick like a steak, but it was perfectly cooked and lean, set in a bed of white creamy sauce with a slightly sweet mango sesame mushroom drizzle. There was also a “filet” of mushroom served with it which was an interesting and successful pairing.

For dessert, we ordered the fruit tarte which had an overwhelmingly nutty taste. Alongside it was a sorbet which was quite sour.

Unfortunately, the second dessert, the rhubarb, was a complete miss as it was stringy and took a lot of effort to consume. Overall, we wouldn’t recommend or return to the restaurant. I am disappointed as I had read that it was David Chang’s favorite Asian restaurant in Paris, but perhaps too much time had passed since his initial visit and the quality had deteriorated. It felt as if the powers that be were trying too hard to create a hybrid of French and Asian dishes, and the effort just fell flat.

After our lunch, we hurried off to our first of two free walking tours. It was a sensational way to spend an hour and a half, to say the least, and we are now huge fans of free walking tours.

We learned quite a bit about the Marais, and how one part of it was swampland and that portion was designated for the Jews who lived in the city.

We loved walking in the narrow walkways and courtyards hearing how the area evolved over the decades.

Our guide was witty, charming and funny, the trifecta of a perfect guide.

It was quite a warm day so after our tour, we headed back home for a nap before we got ready for our evening.

Our dinner at Le Drouant was interesting. It was quite plush, elegant, upscale and refined. All the servers wore suits and ties, and the guests were dressed in casual upscale garb. It was the first restaurant we had been to which had a dedicated sommelier.

The food was brought on a tray by one individual along with the table’s server and a third individual served the plates of food to the guests.

All the glassware was Riedel crystal.

For our first starter, we had French peas with what appeared to be shredded lettuce akin to coleslaw.

The second dish was the asparagus which sat in a creamy white broth that had an egg and finely sliced chives flavor.

The main dish was the famous chicken, and it was sensational. The meat was moist and covered in a Worcestershire style sauce which had a hint of tarragon.

I was surprised at the quality as I was served a breast and wing which were both ordinarily dry and difficult to tenderize.

The risotto dish served alongside was creamy and cheesy and the mushrooms added a layer of earthiness.

My husband’s fish was tender and flaky and sat in a bed of creamy herbaceous sauce which almost tasted a bit like mayonnaise or yogurt.

For dessert, we were served a chocolate cake which was super rich and dense, drizzled with a light chocolate sauce.

The rice pudding was fine, but the kernels were chewy and seemed undercooked and not on the same quality or scale as what we had enjoyed at L’Ami Jean.

The last dessert was the meringue was light and fluffy and tart. We would recommend the starters and entrees, but the desserts were just subpar in comparison.

Our sixth day had us starting off in Montmarte.

We headed to the I Love You Wall, taking the obligatory Instagram photos before meeting up with the second free walking tour.

We were quite surprised at how large our group was as it made hearing the guide quite difficult.

Nevertheless, we trudged up the steep streets and listened to what we could catch, admiring the view and architecture from atop the hill. The group coincidentally had a stop at the I Love You Wall and that is where we were introduced to a second guide who we opted to follow in lieu of the original guide.

It turns out that our second Montmartre guide was the founder of the free walking tour in Paris and was a wealth of information.

Also, because the group was smaller and of course, he had the most experience, what he shared was more thought provoking and informative.

After our ninety-minute tour, I quickly took a photo by the carousel at the foot of the hill, and we rushed down the hill to our lunch reservation at the Instagrammable Pink Mamma. Despite having reservations, we still had to wait in line. There was also a line on the other side of the building for those without reservations.

Though we were about 15 minutes late, the hostess called our name and escorted us to the rooftop dining where I was hoping we would be seated. While there, we met a fellow American from the East Coast who was sitting to my right. She was supposed to have been back home, but her flight was cancelled so she somehow got a last-minute reservation and was enjoying a beautifully colorful lunch.

We started with the bresaola de boeuf punta d’anca which was a bit like beef carpaccio, shockingly delicious, lean but not overly salty. The stracciatella fumee was incredibly unique and foreign to us as we have never sampled the center of a burrata. It had a bit of black pepper and olive oil interspersed and was divine. The double trouble truffle pasta and pizza were sensational standouts which we would happily order again and again.

For dessert, we opted for the creme brûlée which was still lit when served to us and was just the perfect icing to a perfect meal.

Pink Mamma was our second favorite restaurant in Paris because of the rooftop dining, the divine food and our amazing server, Gabriel. He shared a bit about his background and his thoughts about Paris and France in general. Coincidentally, the hostess and Gabriel were a couple, lived together, didn’t own a car because between the gas and parking, it was cost prohibitive so they only took the metro and walked everywhere else. He mentioned that they are taxed at 75% so it was incredibly difficult to move outside of their socioeconomic level. Gabriel shared a few more anecdotes, but it was our time speaking with him and our new friend from the East Coast which added to our lunch experience and is frankly why we travel, because one cannot gain the intimate and personal insight without heading to faraway destinations.

We headed home, full and sleepy from the delicious carbo-loaded lunch. After a nap and shower, we walked to our dinner reservation at Bouillon Republique which was about twenty minutes away from our condo.

Bouillons are known from serving incredibly inexpensive meals, and ours was the only one at the time which took reservations.

Others typically had on average at least a one hour wait. The menu was extensive, akin to a Jerry’s Deli menu.

I started off with the egg appetizer which was creamy and savory served with a pinch of truffle.

We also shared the shrimp and avocado which was an odd but interesting pairing. It was very light dish which sat on a bed of greens.

Next was the soup which was essentially a dark broth with a few vegetable pieces.

My husband ordered the cod and was pleasantly surprised at how good and filling it was. It looked a bit like a fish pot pie with breadcrumbs on top.

My steak, however, was a bit tough and chewy which was a disappointment and lacked seasoning, but the fries served alongside were nice and crispy.

For dessert, I ordered the ice cream which was creamy, dense and delicious.

My husband ordered a brioche French toast served with a caramel syrup on top which took it up a notch. The Chantilly cream served with it had a bit of liqueur flavor.

The next day, we first headed out to Luxembourg Gardens and discovered an expansive oasis in the middle of the city.

We walked around a bit, witnessed a few people running, observed a few artists painting and drawing and as we walked out and saw that the park had both tennis and basketball courts for the sports minded enthusiasts.

Then we ventured off to the Rodin Museum. It was a bit of a walk but it gave us an opportunity to see yet another side of the city. We had pre-purchased tickets as it alleviated the time standing in lines.

Once we checked in with security, we were given our audio guides, and we made our way across the courtyard to the building to view the sculptures before heading back out to the gardens.

After our tour, we stopped for a quick bite of Caesar salad and carbonara at their café before hailing a cab to take us to my noon Cartier appointment.

This was the start of our second luxury haul. I was in the market for a tank watch and had a lovely salesperson. After the purchase was made, I saw that Hermes was across the street, so we sauntered on inside.

I realized once amidst a mass display of Birkins and Kellys that we were in the “mothership” store. Although it would have been nice to be offered one of the quota bags, I didn’t have the budget or the time to make that effort but instead was interested in acquiring a pair of leather shoes. We headed upstairs and were instructed to put our name on the list. It was about a 30–45-minute wait so we explored the store.

Walking around was an experience in and of itself.

We saw watches which were in the six-figure range.

The China patterns were stunningly beautiful and colorful. It was definitely a store where one could literally spend a fortune.

Finally, I received a text message that my turn was coming up so we returned to the shoe section.

I was offered a pair of black leather sandals which was the only pair in all of France that was in my size so of course I had to buy it.

After Hermes, we headed to Prada as my husband needed replacement sunglasses.

While he completed his purchase, I walked down the street to Christian Louboutin to buy my first pair of red soled shoes.

We took a break from shopping to visit L’Orangerie Museum. Luckily, they had a check in desk for all our bags, and we were able to whiz through the museum in about an hour.

We viewed Monet’s Water Lilies in several of their galleries as well as other works of art.

The last store we visited was about a twenty-minute walk from the museum. Repetto had a pair of ballerina flats on hold for me.

After I completed my purchase, we headed to a very late lunch at Sanukiya.

We started off with the karaage which was moist and not overly oily. The omelet was more savory than sweet compared with others we tasted during our time in Japan. The granules of rice were bigger than what we normally eat at home and had a slightly pickled flavor.

The udon broth was sweetened by the green onion, and the tempura was super light and crunchy. The pork slices which was super lean and tender. Our lunch was fine but to be honest, the staff wasn’t very friendly so we will likely not be returning.

After our late lunch, we tried for the next hour to hail a cab.

Unfortunately, it was rush hour and nobody was available so this was the day when we walked over eleven miles during our daytime outing. It left us no time to nap as we had to immediately get ready and get out the door to make our 6:45 p.m. Moulin Rouge reservation.

We were close to an hour late but much to our surprise, there was a line of other late comers outside the venue. After we were seated, we were treated to a live band with singers which was a very pleasant surprise. Moulin Rouge definitely had a much better ambiance than Crazy Horse.

We were promptly served water and dinner rolls and drink orders were taken.

For our prix fixe dinner, we started with the crab appetizer which was creamy, chilled and tasted fresh from the sea.

The salmon was salty, smoky and tender.

The pate alongside wasn’t anything exceptional. It had a doughy crust but the inside tasted a bit like salty spam. I definitely would have skipped this dish.

My chosen entrée was the veal which was super tender and savory.

My husband’s fish was in a mild pepper sauce.

The chocolate dessert served after dinner had a layer of raspberry which gave it a bit of tartness.

The ice cream had a bit of sourness to it. Bonus surprise: there was cake inside the ice cream!

The food was okay but nothing exciting. However, the dinner reservation gave us preferential seating for the show so it was passable. The show was one of the best I had ever seen. It had circus acts, topless cancan dancers, gymnastics, singers, snakes in water, Medusa, cleopatra, clowns, balancing acts, electric lights and was a visual and auditory feast. We left the theater completely enamored with the show and vowed to return but possibly dine at one of the better local restaurants on our next visit.

The next morning turned out to be a bit rainy and cold.

We ran to meet our guided tour at the Louvre, and luckily we were escorted underground where we could recover from the miserable weather.

It was our second visit to the museum, but because it was so overwhelming the first time, we opted to have a do-over with a guide which we highly recommend.

He highlighted certain paintings, escorted us away from the crowds, took us in early to see the Mona Lisa and then the Winged Victory aka Nike.

Our guide was a wealth of artistic knowledge and definitely helped us better appreciate the artwork and sculptures.

After our tour, we hopped in a taxi and arrived for our lunch a bit early. The first time we ate at Les Deux Magots, we were on a tight budget. During our prior visit, it was a pleasant day so we ate outside and sampled a few of the less expensive items on the menu. I didn’t recall enjoying whatever we ordered as they were pretty basic. This time, between being cold and wet and also in a better situation financially, we went for broke, unexpectedly, specifically on the 16 euro double Pierre Herme desserts.

We ordered a few vodka martinis to warm us up.

The asparagus starter had a bit of creamy chive dipping sauce.

My husband’s salmon was oily, flaky, crispy and perfectly grilled.

I ordered the burger which was savory with a perfectly cooked medium patty served with crispy fries.

Then for dessert, we opted for the vanilla tarte which was incredibly creamy with a dense and buttery crust.

Our second dessert had a flaky crispy crust and a light chocolate nutty middle. Both were perfect endings to our fantastic meal.

After lunch, the rain had cleared up so we walked to Saint Chapelle, arriving an hour before our 3 p.m. ticketed time. It was completely unorganized with three lines. The closest to the wall were those without tickets. The middle line had tickets on the half hour and the outer line had tickets on the hour. The randomness of which line was allowed to enter was incredibly frustrating. We weren’t admitted until a bit past our reservation time. It was our first visit to the church and though the stained-glass windows were impressive, we probably would prefer to visit for a music event in the evening as the experience would likely feel more ethereal.

After a brief rest, we headed out to a dinner venue in our neighborhood, Robert et Louise. It was a cute little tavern style restaurant which had a downstairs area. We were seated upstairs, on the main floor, next to the open kitchen.

I ordered the entrecôte which was lean and tasty though a bit tougher than what I normally prefer but for a rib eye, it was quite good.

My husband’s shrimp was plump and sweet.

The winner though was the mushroom omelet which was smoky and a tad bit herbaceous. With each of these plates, one can select two of the three side options. The green salad was mildly dressed with very fresh, crisp greens. The haricot verts or green beans were slim and perfectly cooked al dente. The potatoes had a smoky and slightly sweet flavor.

For dessert, we opted for the chocolate cake which looked a bit like a soufflé with a warm creamy middle. The scoop of ice cream and berry drizzle with cream made it a delicious well-rounded dessert.

The next morning took us on our first European train ride to Giverny to visit Monet’s home and water lilies. We met a mother and son from one of the northern central states and had a lovely conversation with them on the train, sharing our Parisian experiences thus far. Once we arrived at the station, we hopped on the bus for a quick ride to the neighborhood and then proceeded to get lost immediately after we headed out.

The signs weren’t quite clear as to which direction Monet’s house was located.

We eventually found our way and though our entrance ticket wasn’t for another few hours, we were admitted.

We started with his gardens and then meandered into the house.

It was quite impressive being in his studio and looking out at the windows, seeing in person where my favorite impressionist painter lived and how he lived. After the house tour, we made our way to the water lilies.

The pond was fairly expansive, and there was just something magical being there and seeing what captivated him and inspired hundreds of paintings.

After our visit, we headed to the nearby café, Les Nympheas, for lunch.

My husband ordered the fish which was flaky and lemony served with creamy potatoes.

My omelet was gooey and cheesy with perfectly crisp fries.

We shared the chicken salad which was moist and had what might have been an egg battered paprika panko bread crumb coating.

For dessert, we opted for the chocolate molten cake which was dense but had a warm creamy center.

We headed back and stopped off at L’as Du Fallafel for a quick snack. Despite all the hype, it was a huge disappointment.

We ordered the fallafel and a mixed schawarma plate. Both were bland and unexciting. We headed back for our afternoon rest before heading back out to dinner.

Our restaurant of choice, Le Train Bleu, had a magnificent interior, a bit like a museum with paintings on the ceilings in an expansive space.

We started with the salad which was fine but nothing out of the ordinary.

The lobster mac and cheese had a bit of pot pie top crust, was super creamy and savory.

The chicken dish had a bit of cheese crumble which added a layer of depth to it.

Our dessert of the lemon soufflé which had to be ordered at the start of the meal was completely worth the wait and the calories. It was eggy, light, frothy and unbelievably unique!! Combined with the thyme ice cream, it was a fantastic dessert combo.

On our last full day, we started off at Les Colonnes de Buren to take our Instagrammable black and white photos with the columns.

Then we headed back to 31 Rue Cambon to take a photo on Coco Chanel’s staircase leading up to her apartment which wasn’t accessible the week prior.

After the two photo shoots, we made our way to the Arc de Triomphe where we had tickets to head to the top. Somehow, we were offered a ride on the elevator rather than walking up the narrow, winding stairs, which was a nice added bonus since it was a very warm day.

Having been there before, we knew what to expect and with the huge crowd, we didn’t stay very long.

We stopped off at Longchamps as it was down the street. Having purchased quite a bit, we needed to buy an extra bag. In speaking with one of the managers, he mentioned that the Global Blue office was just up the street and would provide a faster and easier refund process if we had the time prior to departing Paris.

After the shopping detour, we hopped in a taxi to Les Ombres.

We spent some time perusing the menu and decided to choose the pre-fixe.

We were served a bite of a round cheese pastry which was tasty.

The second dish which was compliments of the chef was a lot saltier than we would normally consume, and to be honest, we weren’t quite sure what it was. The rest of the menu was fine.

The soup was nice and herbaceous but subtle.

Fish was flaky and moist.

The artichoke was smoky.

The dessert was creamy, nutty, frothy and fruity. The worst part was the blinding and oppressive heat.

I felt like I had heat stroke as the service took forever, and I was wearing a black top and with dark hair, all the heat was enveloped on the upper part of my body.

The only redeeming part of the visit was the photo that our server took of us in front of the Eiffel Tower that only dining patrons would have the ability to take.

We headed back home to rest, pack and recover before heading out to our final destination, the Seine dinner cruise.

In hindsight, I’m glad we booked the cruise and paid extra for the window seat, but it was really warm inside the boat, and it made the experience uncomfortable.

The food was fine but nothing special.

The best part though was seeing Parisians enjoy a warm evening dancing, picnicking and just spending time with their friends and family along the Seine.

I’m glad those moments in time were our parting sights of Paris which will forever have a special place in our hearts.

So to recap, here are our learnings from our extended visit to the city of lights. I would highly recommend guided tours over winging it on your own. Having done both, learning about the history, location and/or artwork from somebody knowledgeable is a better use of time and money. Also, sign up for free walking tours. It’s a cost-effective way to see the city, get a workout and meet some people while learning about a certain place and time. On the foodie front, just because the restaurant has a location in Paris, it doesn’t automatically mean that the food and experience will be divine.

On this recent trip, our dining experiences were a mixed bag. On the one hand, just because a meal is inexpensive does not automatically mean that it will rank low on the satisfaction scale. Same can be said of the reverse though in our case, one of the most expensive meals was the best dining experience on this trip. Lastly, on the luxury shopping front, depending on the currency exchange and the VAT refund policy, the lower European prices make the experience a glorious one, getting more bang for your buck. I paid a fraction of the cost for bags and accessories compared to buying them in Los Angeles which has a higher sales tax, and as a result, I have vowed to only shop in Europe for my high-end luxury purchases.

As the saying goes, Paris is always a good idea. I’m already planning our next trip for when Notre Dame reopens because who doesn’t want to see the bored gargoyle up close or go to a mass where you don’t understand one word that’s being said? I also currently have a very long list of restaurants to try and a growing wish list of luxury goodies. I hope this blog incentivized a few readers to finally take the plunge and head to this beautiful romantic city or perhaps schedule a return visit to explore more of its arrondissements. Merci pour votre temps!

In Defense of Meteora

In Defense of Meteora

As many have likely seen by now, there was a scathing review of Jordan Kahn’s newest offering, Meteora. Days before it was published, my husband, sister-in-law and I ran into the two Michelin starred chef at its helm and complimented him on a wonderful experience, thanking his wife for the delectable inspiration of the rice dish on Meteora’s menu.

In researching this particular writer’s past restaurant reviews, featured were casual restaurants with simple offerings which, in comparison to Meteora’s complex menu and earthy decor, is a rapid departure from the writer’s repertoire.

“Beginning with the rhythms of nature, our cuisine emphasizes the healing energy of ingredients.”

Jordan Kahn stopped by every table, including ours, and explained the ingredients in each of the dishes ordered and why he incorporated them in the dinner set.

Leaves & Stones
Leaves & Stones

Perhaps the writer did not have that benefit during his visit. One needs to have a wide range of culinary experience from extensive travels and have an appreciation and understanding of history, culture and traditions which are all celebrated and highlighted at Meteora.

Red Seabream

Was Meteora expensive? Yes. Were unusual and unfamiliar pairings served? Yes. Was there a purpose and message for each of the offerings? Yes.

Wildflower Porridge Bread

I have traveled to 31 countries, including 4 trips to the Yucatán Peninsula and sampled a wide range of of dishes at restaurants on every end of the budgetary spectrum. I can wholeheartedly recommend Meteora as a dining experience that should not be missed.

Caramelized Lobster Rice

The dishes are beautifully and artfully presented, and the combination of flavors is just exquisite.

Aged Heritage Poussin
Aged Heritage Poussin

Admittedly, Meteora caters to those with cultured, diversified and upscale tastes. It is not for everybody, but if you are looking to experience simple dishes reimagined while sitting within a beautiful Tulum inspired setting, then Meteora should be your next fine dining destination.

The Legendary Musso & Frank

The Legendary Musso & Frank

Musso & Frank is a historic dining establishment in the heart of Hollywood.

I had been several times before, even during lunch, which apparently is no longer an option during these post pandemic times. We were there for our pre-theater meal and it did not disappoint. They opened promptly at 4 p.m. and sat each party at their pre-designated tables. Ours was table 227.

Our server came by immediately to take our drink order and as we waited, we observed as each table and party were swiftly seated. They had service down to a science with impeccable choreography and precision.

Our drinks arrived, our dinner orders were taken and we were immediately served our first course.

The caesar salad was crisp, lemony and perfectly dressed.

Next to arrive were the sand dabs, which had a bit of coating and with a squeeze of a lemon, had a nice tart flavor.

My husband’s legendary fettuccine alfredo was served with thinly sliced chicken breast. It was served al dente and had a rich creamy sauce.

Desserts arrived in the form of a light fluffy cheesecake and two scoops of nice, cold creamy ice cream, the perfect accompaniment for the current heatwave.

All in all, Musso & Frank was and still is a winner in my book. I’m happy to report that we’ll be returning in a month’s time for a friend’s special birthday so that we’ll have another opportunity to sample their delicious food.

Lillie’s at The Culver Hotel

Lillie’s at The Culver Hotel

Lillie’s is a new addition to the Culver City dining scene. It’s located within the historical Culver City hotel. There had previously been several iterations of restaurants at the same site over the years but after the pandemic, all hotel dining ceased.

We had an opening on our weekend schedule and decided to use the opportunity to stay local and check out the offerings of the restaurant. We were not disappointed.

It’s quite stunning inside the hotel which has been beautifully maintained and restored over the years. We were seated at a partial banquette which allowed for a 180 degree view of the restaurant.

For our starter, we ordered the caesar salad which was crisp, fresh and had a lemony cheesy bite.

The big eye tuna ceviche was equally delightful with a citrusy onion aftertaste.

My steak frites were perfectly cooked. The beef was tender with no marbling or grisled pieces, and the fries were crispy and herbaceous. My husband’s burger was amazing. The bun was light and fluffy and the ground beef was tender and robust with flavor. His side dish of pomme puree was delightfully creamy and the broccolini was smoky and tender.

Of the two hotel restaurants we dined at on this particular weekend, with Ella at the Sixty being the first, Lilies was hands down the winner on every front.

The service was impeccable, the decor could not be beat and the band which played during our dinner service was spectacular. We are thrilled to pieces that this new french restaurant is so close to home as we look forward to many happy returns.

Ella at Sixty in Beverly Hills

Ella at Sixty in Beverly Hills

Ella is set inside a boutique hotel in the heart of Beverly Hills.

It has a tropical vibe giving it the quintessential Los Angeles experience.

We met a couple of girlfriends who had previously eaten at the establishment for a holiday party several years prior.

We started off with the sourdough focaccia which was quite generous in size. It had a nice light crisp shell with a warm doughy middle and was served with a small bowl of black truffle butter and elderflower honey.

One of our friends ordered the little gem salad which was served with a top layer of breadcrumbs and a heavy pour of buttermilk dressing.

She seemed to enjoy it so it seemed like a winner. Her next dish, the grilled broccolini, was perfectly cooked, crisp but not overdone lightly seasoned.

My husband ordered the bolognese which was nice and al dente.

We also shared a spicy pepperoni pizza which was good but was doused with oil.

Two of us ordered the burger and fries which was just the perfect California burger. The ground beef was lightly seasoned and smoky but still perfectly moist and the fries were exceptionally crispy and salty.

After dinner we headed up to the quieter rooftop bar to have our nightcap. It had a lovely view of the city and was just a great place to decompress from the week.

All in all, Ella was a lovely experience. The only downside during our dinner was the erratic service. Our waiter had a penchant for disappearing for long periods of time but the food was good and it had a nice vibe.

Our Week in Panama City

Our Week in Panama City

I’m trying to recall who first suggested Panama to us, and we think it was my husband’s client who had been deep sea fishing in Panama for years. He couldn’t stop raving about the country, talked about it incessantly, mentioned that he felt very safe and how wonderful the people were to him.

I was also influenced by an Anthony Bourdain episode set in Panama, and the stories he highlighted about the country which, as a result of its canal, solidified its economic future. One of the first locations he visited was the seafood market, and he commented on the superior quality of the ceviche which was on par with the seafood capital of the world, Tokyo’s Tsukiji market.

I started researching which side of the country to visit, what sites were important to see and whether to stay at a resort or an AirBnb. Then the pandemic hit and all plans to travel were paused.

After two years, worldwide restrictions were lifted, and Panama was open to tourism once again. I seized the moment to officially plan our vacation. I found one resort on the Pacific side which was all inclusive, but I experienced a severe language barrier. They also seemed to have an odd reservation system where you couldn’t book online and had to schedule a call with a representative.

Recognizing that as a sign, I went on TripAdvisor and researched resorts near Panama City. I found Dreams Playa Bonita which was all inclusive, a quick ride from the airport and seemed like a good launching off point for several excursions as well as a short 20 minute ride into the city. Even more compelling was its close proximity to the Panama Canal which was definitely on our must see list while visiting.

I opted for the Preferred Club which had a special lounge, special privileges and better accommodations. For our flight, I found that Copa Airlines offered the best itinerary and price combination. We had never flown Copa but read they were a sister airline of United which we had flown many times.

Next on the list was to find a tour guide for our excursion wish list. The priorities were to see Panama City, visit the canal, try out Panamanian cuisine and book a dive and snorkel trip for my husband and myself. Pro tip: join a Facebook group for your resort, if it’s available, because it will have real time reviews of the experience and recommendations.

It will provide a wealth of information regarding the resort, theme nights, restaurants, activities and even rush hour traffic times to avoid when traveling into and out of the resort. It will also highlight reviews regarding excursions and tour guides.

That is exactly how we found Jay Arias. Everybody raved about him so a month or so prior to arrival, I made contact, got rates and made arrangements. The only excursion he didn’t book but recommended was Scuba Panama. I reached out to them separately, sent an email with questions regarding dates, prices and pickup times, and booking was all done seamlessly via email.

The day finally arrived for our departure. We had a red eye leaving LAX a bit after 1 a.m. We were asleep for about the first 2 hours. I woke up and realized that a turkey and cheese subway sandwich was on my tray table with yogurt and a chocolate bar. I quickly ate my meal and went back to sleep. The total flight time was approximately 6 1/2 hours.

Once we landed, that’s when the comedy of errors occurred. Upon arrival, our guide Jay messaged me that he was there waiting for us. I messaged back that we were getting caffeinated and hydrated. We stopped by Coffee Bean, got a black coffee with 2 add shots, a small double black bag of tea and 2 small bottled waters. The total came shockingly to $24. There were no prices for the water so we assumed those were the most expensive items in the order.

We proceeded to collect our luggage but somehow missed the stairs/elevator to immigration and customs on the first floor. We had walked three quarters of the way into the second terminal when I realized our error. We retraced our steps, made our way back and headed downstairs. We first had to speak with a customs officer who we had issues communicating with since we all had masks. We had our American accent, and he had his Panamanian accent. Come to find out he was asking us for our QR codes which we downloaded after answering the health questionnaire prior to checking into our flight. Unfortunately, my husband received a red QR code when his was scanned into the system. It meant that we needed to step to another table to have our vaccination cards reviewed. Up until two weeks prior, my husband wasn’t boosted, but I convinced him to schedule it before our trip to avoid being forced to test and possibly quarantine for up to 7 days.

Luckily, it was just another delay. We headed back to the customs guy, and I messaged Jay, explaining the reason for our delay. We were then greenlit to pick-up our luggage when we were confronted with another hurdle. We apparently had to complete an immigration form that wasn’t provided to us on our flight, so we headed backwards to carousel 5 to complete the form. Finally, with the form completed and approved, I messaged Jay, an hour and a half late, that we were finally exiting.

We were greeted by Jay and his associate, Diego Varela, who would be our guide for three days during the week. I apologized profusely for our extended delay. They said they feared the worst when I mentioned we were red flagged at customs and were surprised that the hurdle was still in effect as infection rates were low, and outdoor mask mandates were about to be lifted. We proceeded to the hotel, seeing the Panamanian sites for the first time as Jay maneuvered the streets of the city with ease.

We arrived at our resort after a thirty or so minute drive. We checked in and were promptly greeted with two glasses of bubbly which was a nice surprise.

We received our briefing, signed paperwork, and as we were a bit early for check-in, we left our luggage with the bellboy, changed clothes and headed to the bar to signal the official start to our vacation before heading down to the beach for the lunch buffet.

They had a diverse selection: soup, rice, beef, pork, chicken and vegetables as well as a few other items which we didn’t sample. The main buffet was outside under a large palapa, while the salad and dessert selections were inside a small air conditioned room. The food seemed fine, but nothing really struck me as being over-the-top amazing. I had read about the lackluster flavor and quality of food from the Facebook group so I wasn’t surprised.

After lunch, we headed back to the lobby and were able to check in a bit early. Once we got to our room, we unpacked and had a nap before getting ready for the evening.

Although there was an elaborate outdoor dining set-up by the pool, we opted for the indoor air conditioned on-site French restaurant. Bordeaux was the only formal dining experience at the Dreams Playa Bonita Resort. It had a dress code requiring men to wear long pants, collared shirts and closed toed shoes. Women were allowed to wear dresses or dress pants with dress shoes.

Shortly after being seated, we were served each with a dinner roll and butter. The roll had a bouncy texture and when sliced open, I discovered it had a cream cheese filling baked inside it. Smearing a pat of butter made it a very decadent starter.

The salad was beautifully presented, served with a light garlic citrus olive oil dressing.

The salmon tartare had a smoky, creamy flavor, dressed with the same vegetables as the salad, giving it a bit of tanginess.

The vegetable cream soup was served piping hot, with steam rising from its surface. We were told it was a combination of zucchini, carrots and onions that had been puréed.

The fish dish was a miss for me unfortunately. The filet was thick, not tender, possibly undercooked so I opted instead to focus on the au gratin potatoes which were creamy and hearty.

Our server offered to give me another entree so I chose the steak which had a sweet peppery soy glaze. During dinner, the lights dimmed quite a bit at 8:24. Our server said it’s normal and deliberate, that they conserve energy for an hour as it’s better for the planet.

For dessert, we ordered a chocolate cake and creme brûlée. Right after they were served, we were treated to a surprise fireworks display which was the icing on the cake. What a great way to end our dinner experience!

We headed down to the beach to get seats for the Panamanian cultural show. It was quite colorful, and each set was different from the last. There were some very elaborate carnival style outfits. My personal favorite was the solo female performer. She was definitely a classically trained dancer and exuded that confidence in her masterful performance. The entire production lasted about 40 minutes which ended with another short fireworks display and was followed with an opportunity to take photos with the cast.

The next day was our first full day at the resort, and we chose to sleep in a bit before heading to the breakfast buffet. We quickly realized that eating later meant longer lines for the omelet bar. However, we picked up a few pro tips. I saw a woman pick up some slices of white cheese from the deli display and ask that it be used for her omelet. I saw another woman ask for bacon or tocino which was stored in the back of the kitchen. I incorporated both into my daily breakfast ritual for the duration of the trip.

After breakfast, we headed to the gym for our first workout. It was a decent sized gym with enough of the basic equipment to get a good workout. We then spent the better part of the day lounging by the pool and bar and met a group of people who we ended up spending our evenings with for the duration of our trip.

The next morning was our first excursion with Diego Vareles. He picked us up at 10 a.m., and we headed first to Casco Viejo which is called “old town.”

The area was very picturesque with its painted buildings, ornate Gallic inspired ironwork and narrow European style streets.

It had a very similar colonial look like in Curaçao and old San Juan in Puerto Rico. It felt like each building held a little treasure for one to discover, between the rum shops, coffee houses, artisanal breweries and some of the city’s best eateries.

We stopped at Tantalo for a drink and to check out the vibe. I watched a YouTube video featuring the restaurant’s chef and read several positive reviews so I made dinner reservations during the planning stages for the trip. Tantalo also featured a great rooftop so it was very much a selling point as it offered a 360 degree view of the old city.

We then headed to La Rana Dorado for some artisanal beer. It was an expansive space with brick walls and old world charm. One could picture the place packed with tourists and locals alike on a weekend evening.

After our tour of Casco Viejo, we headed to the famous fish market. Diego escorted us to one of the vendors in the open air stalls alongside the market. We ordered a mixture of seafood dishes.

Our mixed ceviche, which featured fresh fish, shrimp and octopus, was incredibly tasty and super tender as it had been marinating in citrus juices.

Our shrimp, fish and rice dishes were also exceptionally good. The total for three people was reasonably priced compared to Los Angeles standards.

We headed back to the hotel for some much needed respite from our day before getting ready to head back to Casco Viejo with our new friends. Getting an Uber at night proved to be a challenge. We ended up hiring a hotel shuttle driver to take us into town in the hotel’s van. It cost $10 per person with gratuity. As suggested by Diego, we were dropped off at Plaza Herrera and walked half a block to Fonda Lo Que Hay.

The restaurant was featured in a 50 Best article and did not disappoint, becoming one of the most memorable foodie experiences of the trip. It’s a medium sized restaurant, with an open air atrium as well as indoor dining. The galley kitchen was set in the back where guests could observe all their meals being prepared. To say it was a life altering gastronomical experience would be an understatement.

The carpaccio was phenomenal and a must eat when visiting the restaurant. The tuna was creamy and tender and sits atop a textured crispy cassava. The green onions on top added a tangy bite to the dish.

The fried chicken was equally exceptional and unique. The meat was tender, the skin was perfectly crispy, and each piece was evenly seasoned throughout. We were told that it was broasted rather than fried thereby maintaining its flavor and moisture without the added grease. Genius. The Buffalo dipping sauce was tangy and had a hint of spice, like a peppery, Tabasco sauce. The mashed potatoes and gravy were silky and smooth. It was a perfect symphony of contrasting flavors and textural differences.

Not to be outdone, my husband’s catch of the day was served in a large banana leaf, topped with tiny squid. The sea bass filet was substantial but tender and perfectly flaky.

After dinner, we walked across the square to the multilevel CasaCasco which had a sensational expansive rooftop. One half was reserved for outdoor dining while the other half was for drinks and casual eats.

The rooftop provided a 360 view of Casco Viejo and had dazzling views of the cityscape from across the bay.

It was definitely a great place for a night cap. After a few drinks, we decided to head back to the resort. Once on street level, ordering Ubers was not an issue, costing about $7 per Uber ride.

Our morning started early on Tuesday as we had planned a trip to Monkey Island which was about 40 minutes north of the resort in the car and another 20ish minutes or so in a boat. One thing of note was there were no facilities at the dock or on the boat so one should plan accordingly or be prepared to hide behind a log and some bushes.

We sped off to the islands, but it was a while before we saw anything of note. There were a few other boats circling the area as well, and it didn’t appear that any of them had any luck. It took about 30 minutes or so after reaching the islands for us to spot a monkey.

There were two that hopped onto the boat to get a bite of the bananas that our guide, Diego, had the foresight to bring.

The best sighting came next when our boat captain spotted a capuchin monkey from a distance. It turned out to be the mother to a few juveniles on the island, and her name was Barbie. She hopped on our boat and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of banana bites while checking out the neighboring boat before heading back into the forest. Her appearance made our morning complete.

After Monkey Island, we headed out to the causeway to get a photo with the famous Panama sign and then had an early lunch at El Trapiche which was a small chain of restaurants highly recommended by Diego. The restaurant served reasonably priced Panamanian food. We ordered a few dishes amongst the three of us.

Diego ordered a sandwich.

I selected the ropa vieja, which was savory and tender as well as a fried chicken dish with fries.

The chicken tasted homemade, very similar to how my grandfather prepared fried chicken when I was young. The batter was super light and the seasoning wasn’t overdone.

My husband ordered a chicken and rice dish which was light, fluffy with an evenly mixed intermingling of flavors and ingredients.

He also ordered a chicken soup which locals consume after a long night of drinking or when they’re feeling under the weather.

For his third dish, he ordered a shredded chicken sandwich very similar to Diego’s dish. Shockingly, he finished all three orders.

For drinks, we opted to try the local version of vodka which is called seco. It smelled and tasted like rubbing alcohol on its own, but there’s a specialty drink with various fruit juices and a sliver of candied sugar interspersed with herbs which was too sweet to drink on its own so I poured a bit of the juice onto the seco until the seco no longer tasted rancid.

After lunch, we headed to the Panama Canal museum which had a wealth of information about how and why the canal was created, all the people of various backgrounds who worked on it over an extended period of time and how it changed life as we know it.

After spending over an hour learning about its history, we headed to the Miraflores locks where we watched the passing of one ship.

Although it was honestly like watching paint dry as everything moved in slow motion, it was quite fascinating to see what we just studied, live and in person.

After a full day, we headed back to the resort for dinner and some karaoke fun with our new friends.

The next morning we went to the Caribbean side with our driver and Troy’s divemaster, Fernando, from Scuba Panama. It took about 90 or so minutes to get to the scuba resort which was a small family owned dive shop and mini hotel. As luck would have it, the weather was not great for snorkeling so I opted to stay behind for 2 1/2 hours and began writing this blog.

I also ordered an omelet and fries for my mid morning snack.

While I wrote, the weather proved to be unpredictable and ever evolving. One minute, it was sunny and 5-10 minutes later, torrential rain poured down. The Sybil-like weather repeated its vicious cycle the entire time my husband was out diving.

When the crew returned, we were served our lunch of fish as well as a few cervezas. We were driven back to the resort and fell asleep in the car during the 90 minute commute.

Upon our return to the resort, we headed to the gym for a workout before our dinner at Oceana, the seafood restaurant, which was surprisingly quite good in comparison with the other restaurants on the resort.

We started off with the Thai salad.

I ordered the salmon.

My husband ordered both the grilled chicken with coconut rice and grilled seafood platter.

We indulged in the two desserts on offer before meeting up for drinks with friends as we watched the mariachi show.

Thursday was our “no setting the alarm” chillax day at the resort.

We had a leisurely breakfast, worked out at the gym, had lunch, spent some time at the pool, swam in what appeared to be polluted ocean water and rested before heading out to Tantalo in Casco Viejo with our “Dreams” team. At the lobby, we met another couple who had just arrived and opted to join our carpool into town.

Dinner on the rooftop was definitely an experience.

There’s something magical about seeing “new” Panama City from “old” town at night.

The amount of food we ordered, as evidenced by these photos, was obscene. The menu was eclectic and had a bit of Asian Latin fusion. My favorites were the tuna tartare and the mixed meat plate. The salmon was pretty tender and tasty as well.

The vibe and ambiance at Tantalo that night was definitely off the charts. There was a DJ which led to group dancing and more drinking. Fun was had by all!

The next morning we partook in the resort’s complimentary 2 1/2 hour nature hike. Our guide was a wealth of information. It was definitely a very different experience walking through the rainforest and then heading down to the beach before heading back through the forest to return to the resort. We did have one sloth sighting and learned quite a bit about the natural medicinal goodies in the forest.

After our hike, we returned to our room for a much needed shower before heading to our mandatory covid test and then a quick lunch.

We opted to go into town to check out the Bio Museum which was strangely open only on Fridays through Sundays with limited hours of operation. Luckily, two of our friends joined us for our car ride, splitting the bill. They were dropped off at Casco Viejo, and as we arrived at the museum, the rain began to pour.

We spent the entire duration of the storm inside, learning about the migration of animals and plants and the evolution of life in general in Panama.

After our visit, we encountered our first ride share hiccup. There were no Ubers coming to the area. It took us about 40 minutes to come to the realization that we would have to get a taxi. We tried to contact our hotel driver, but he ended up getting stuck on the highway as there was an accident. Luckily, we flagged down an honest taxi driver. It’s important to ask how much the ride is going to cost before getting in the vehicle.

He drove us to Plaza Herrera as we once again wanted to partake in all the deliciousness of Fondo Lo Que Hey.

We ordered our “usual” plus added two dishes. One of the starters turned out to be like a round mozzarella stick which wasn’t our favorite as we expected a quesadilla.

Our other “new to us” dish was the flan which was a definite winner. It was “caramelly” and “eggy,” fluffy yet dense and robust in flavor. We walked around town a bit, revisiting some of the sights we had previously seen earlier in the week.

I came across a small setup of street vendors where I saw some Panamanian hats.

There was one which caught my eye with a colorful bird and a few splashes of color which appeared to be its wings fluttering on the side of the hat.

I tried to negotiate with the artist but to no avail as he said all the hats were hand painted.

After my new purchase, we headed to the rum bar Diego had recommended on our city tour.

It had a very Indiana Jones vibe inside. We ordered the house rum which was quite smooth.

Afterwards, we caught an Uber and headed back to the resort. Unfortunately, we experienced Friday rush hour traffic. It took forever and a day to get back so we tipped our driver in cash handsomely. We found our friends at the resort and watched the resort’s entertainment that evening which was a really well done production with two beautiful and talented belly dancers.

The next day we packed up and checked out at noon. Diego picked us up and took us to lunch at Cantina del Tigre, which was opened by one of the chefs that helped create the Fondo Lo Que Hey menu.

Chef came by when we arrived, and we proceeded to order some of his best hits.

After lunch, we made our way to the airport.

Check in was fairly easy. Surprisingly, we were not asked for our negative covid results though we did have to complete an online questionnaire attesting we had complied with the requirements. Once we reached our gate, Copa Airlines required that we go through another check in every time we left the area. No beverages were allowed at the gate which seemed odd.

Our flight back was pretty uneventful. Dinner was served about 2 1/2 hours into our journey. We had a choice of chicken or beef. I’m not sure what the beef dish was, but we opted for the chicken chow mein which to me seemed a bit greasy so I only had a few bites, but I thoroughly enjoyed the cake which was served with it. There was also a carrot and cabbage slaw served with dinner. I proceeded to nod off for most of the flight back and by the time we traversed spring break traffic at LAX, it was after 1 a.m.

It’s been a few days since we’ve returned, and I’ve had some time to unpack my thoughts about our visit. During our week in Panama City, my creative juices started flowing, I felt invigorated, and I remembered what it was like to be excited to explore, taste, hear and see new things.

Looking back, I realized I am most impressed by cities where I’m intellectually challenged, visually stimulated and gastronomically satiated. Panama offered all of it in spades. Thank you for your hospitality, Panama! Looking forward to our return!!

Nando Trattoria

Nando Trattoria

Elegant and refined define the Art Deco decor and the culinary offerings at Nando Trattoria. Upon entering the establishment, one immediately senses they are somewhere special. The restaurant is located on Manhattan Avenue and is in a fairly modest sized space. At the time of dining, which was prime dinner time on a Saturday evening, every table at the restaurant was occupied.

Organic heart of romaine lettuce, DOP Parmigiano Reggiano, toasted croutons, Caesar dressing

The patrons’ anticipation and enjoyment of an authentic Italian dining experience is palpable as gasps of excitement and delight are heard while dishes are served to adjoining tables.

Golden crispy rice saffron ball, wagyu beef ragù and smoked mozzarella, provolone

There is a low and respectable murmur of voices and laughter during the meal. Most of the tables are comprised of at least two couples and in a few instances, a slightly larger party.

Crab and Lobster ravioli, delicate scampi sauce, scallop

We had the benefit of sitting next to a lovely gentleman who was proud to declare he had dined at the restaurant every week since it opened in the height of the pandemic. Nando Trattoria’s ability to thrive despite such obstacles speaks volumes about what they uniquely offer the residents and visitors to this newish Manhattan Beach restaurant.

There were a few notable highlights.

Fresh baked focaccia bread served with Parmigiano truffle fondue

The first was the focaccia served with a parmigiano truffle fondue. The top layer was reminiscent of a pie crust which was light, airy and flaky.

Traditional baked lasagna with beef ragu and bechamel

Our next favorite dish was the lasagne bolognese which was both dense, due to the combination of the beef and bechamel sauce, but also light as a result of perfectly textured and al dente handcrafted pasta.


The icing on the meal were the nutella bombolini. We almost opted to skip that dessert but one of the servers convinced us that it would be a mistake of gargantuan proportion. Needless to say, he was right and I will forever have dreams about that doughy slightly sugared exterior with the warm, creamy filling.


In a beachside restaurant community that has seen a transformation of clientele and residents over the years, Nando Trattoria definitely stands on its own and is without compare.


I am eagerly awaiting the next opportunity to introduce our foodie friends to this “new to us” neighborhood gem. Grazie to the two brothers who brought their culinary gifts and passion to the shores of Manhattan Beach. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.


Nando Trattoria
1131 Manhattan Avenue
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

Beachside Restaurant & Bar

Beachside Restaurant & Bar

In searching for a local waterside restaurant, I came upon Beachside’s revamped menu. It had been a few years since we had dined at this particular locale, and I noticed that the menu had a few unique offerings which seemed to embody SoCal vibes. 

We ordered a few starters to whet our appetite. 

The Asiago cheese bread was served with a side of ricotta and herbs as well as a small serving of aioli. The bread was surprisingly light and airy but had a crispy outer layer. The creamy ricotta and garlic aioli were nice subtle compliments to the bread.

The butternut squash bisque was simply presented with some sliced apples in the middle and a few sprigs of arugula for some garnish. The bisque was drizzled with a bit of curry oil giving it a hint of Indian essence. Surprisingly, the bisque was quite sweet which I think would have been better as a more savory starter.

As a direct contrast, the flavors of the brussel sprouts packed a punch and were quite complex. They were tangy with a hint of sweetness possibly from a bit of tamarind combined with a small serving of sambal. As a result, the sprouts had an earthy smoky flavor and some crunch from the peanuts interspersed onto the dish.

Of the three starters, the sprouts were my favorite and frankly the best sprouts I’ve ever tasted in a city which offers some version of the same dish at most upscale restaurants. What made this rendition stand out was the Asian inspired dressing which set it apart from the rest. 

The entrees and side dishes were promptly served shortly thereafter.

The loch duarte salmon was quite unique. The entree’s name alone would pique one’s interest, but what made the dish different was the quinoa risotto on which the mildly seasoned tender salmon was nestled. The hybrid grains had a unique nutty and earthy flavor and combined with the light flaky fish, the pairing had a contrasting subtle complexity of textures.

Our other entree was the Mongolian short rib which appeared to be the brussel sprouts’ Asian cousin as it had a similar tangy sauce albeit sans sambal.  The two large generous servings of short rib were incredibly moist and tender and were adorned by cucumber spirals and shaved radish slices elevating the appearance of the dish.

The fries I ordered to compliment my short rib were perfectly crisp, lightly salted and had a strong but not overpowering truffle flavor. 

The grilled broccoli paled in comparison to the fries, having no distinct flavor, as it was served with a light citrus and creamy dressing.  

To finish off the meal, we ordered the cocoa dulce de leche mousse. When we asked our server Brian about this particular dessert and what he thought of it, he became incredibly giddy and excited as it was apparently his favorite. On our first bite, we understood the gravity of the situation. This was a decadent divine dessert. The cocoa powdered exterior covered a thin chocolate shell which sheltered a very dense, rich chocolate middle. The bottom layer consisted of crushed chocolate melded together giving the multilayered dessert a hint of bitterness and crunch.

We found the ambiance at Beachside to be a relaxed upscale beach vibe. It’s a great place to get together with friends, go on a date or just hang out by the fire pit while sipping on a few cocktails. We will definitely be back to this waterside gem!
My New Travel Bag – Senreve’s Mini Maestra

My New Travel Bag – Senreve’s Mini Maestra

Senreve is a brand that was unfamiliar to me until recently. One of the YouTube influencers I follow, Chase Amie, mentioned Senreve’s Aria line in one of her vlogs. I recalled Amie talking about the quality of the leather and the craftsmanship of the design. She subsequently featured an ice blue Mini Maestra in one of her later vlogs and raved about how much the bag could accommodate.

Black pebbled Mini Maestra w/ silver hardware

I saw a tangerine Mini Maestra on our recent outing to Disneyland and noticed how sleek, striking and practical it looked. In the market for a secure and stylish convertible travel bag, I ordered the black pebbled Mini Maestra with silver hardware on Black Friday. As it was my first purchase from the brand, I received 10% off, and Senreve included a gift with purchase. The bag and gift arrived five days later.

Thank you note from the Senreve Team

I excitedly and nervously opened the package, hoping that the bag would meet my requirements and expectations. The bag is very structured with thick, durable leather that feels like it could withstand the unexpected bumps and bruises of traveling.

Light blue microsuede interior lining

The interior has a light blue microsuede lining with pockets and compartments. The bottom exterior of the bag has 4 metal feet, protecting the leather from any surface it touches.

What fits in the Mini Maestra

I filled up the Mini Maestra with most everything that I could anticipate needing on a daily basis during our travels. After all the items had been carefully arranged in the bag, I weighed it, and it came in at seven pounds. I rearranged the straps and tested both the backpack and the crossbody options to ensure that the bag wasn’t cumbersome. Though I admittedly have not spent an entire day hauling all my belongings, between the two varying strap options, I felt confident that the bag and its contents would not weigh me down too much during our excursions.

Packed interior of the Mini Maestra

I will be taking the Mini Maestra on our upcoming trip to Antigua for the Christmas holiday so that will be the real life test of whether it will make the cut. Even if it turns out not to be the right travel bag, it seems like it will be a great utilitarian bag for all my day-to-day needs. Stay tuned for updates!

Three ways I wear the Mini Maestra:
as a clutch, backpack or crossbody



We had the great fortune of meeting Chef Jason Fullilove when he opened up a pop-up in Culver City just up the street from our home. I likely read about Barbara Jean on Eater or Infatuation and with its close proximity, we decided to give it a try.

The kitchen was open to the dining area, and we watched Chef Fullilove at work, putting together the dishes for his customers. There weren’t many of us dining so initially I had some doubts about the quality of the food. However, after sampling one entree after another, surprising and overwhelming our taste buds, we were sold.

Barbara Jean – Fried Chicken

Chef Jason Fullilove came by to ask how our dinner was and we found him to be a truly cool cat. I mentioned that I normally held Honey’s Kettle in the highest regard and placed them on the pedestal of best fried chicken on the Westside but his version completely unseated them. The recipes of all the soul food inspired items we ordered were so upmarket that it didn’t seem befitting for such a casual location. I asked why there was very little advertising or marketing being done on behalf of the restaurant. He said he was experimenting with word of mouth as being the primary method of organic advertising. I was truthfully worried that wasn’t going to be sufficient but I did my part by writing about the pop-up on my blog, posting my review on Yelp and spreading the word to all my friends and neighbors. Sadly, the pop-up didn’t last in the area but for a few months.

Barbara Jean – Dessert

Since then, I followed Chef Fullilove’s career on social media. He moved his pop-up to various locations throughout Los Angeles. He even had a stint as the chef at The Magic Castle. When I read that he was one of the rotating chefs at Abernathys at the Music Center, I immediately made dinner reservations as we had Alvin Ailey tickets for a Saturday evening show in April. Then the pandemic struck and everything was cancelled. One restaurant after another was forced to permanently shudder, and it was heartbreaking to read about them, knowing that with each closure, dreams were being shattered.

After months of quarantine, restaurants were finally allowed to reopen for outdoor dining. A few weeks ago, I saw an Instagram post that Chef Fullilove was back on the Westside at an Abbot Kinney restaurant called Neighbor. I looked for Chef Fullilove’s menu on Yelp and Instagram but couldn’t find one. Knowing that Chef was at the helm, we made dinner reservations on faith that it would be just as good if not better than our Barbara Jean experience.

Upon our arrival, we mentioned to our server Candace that we had dined at one of Chef’s pop-ups previously and we would love to say “hi” to him if he was available. He promptly came out to greet us, and he was just as we remembered him. It started off our evening on the right foot.

Neighbor – Caramelized Brussel Sprouts

We began our decadent meal with a quintessential Los Angeles offering. Chef Fullilove’s interpretation of the brussels sprouts included a cauliflower coconut puree as a dipping sauce with a few sprinklings of pomegranate seeds. The brussels sprouts were crispy, slightly smoky and a bit charred but not excessively which would have masked that the starter was actually a vegetable dish. The pops of pomegranate added a bit of tartness as well as a holiday look and feel to the dish.

Neighbor – Homemade Buttermilk Biscuits

Next to arrive were the homemade buttermilk biscuits. The biscuits were a prime example of Chef’s southern cuisine expertise. They were piping hot, with a crispy exterior. The biscuits were dense with a hint of cheese and herbs. The pat of butter may have been drizzled with a bit of honey or perhaps liquified caramelized onions. The concentrated concoction had a bit of an unexpected but welcomed fried chicken aftertaste. Adding a bit of heat to the biscuits was the pepper jelly.

Neighbor – Chicken Liver Butter

The mixture for the chicken liver butter had a base of smoked apple sauce and pickle mustard seeds. It had a very earthy flavor and incredibly smooth texture, oozing into the crevices of the thick pieces of toasted bread.

Neighbor – Uni Deviled Eggs

Arriving simultaneously were the uni deviled eggs which were topped with Santa Barbara sea urchin, yuzu kosho and tobiko. It was an interesting and unexpected combination with a bit of Japanese influence.

Neighbor – Smoke Trout Rillettes

The smoke trout rillettes were quite substantial and hearty. The mealy hush puppies sat alongside a thick, creamy mixture reminiscent of a tuna salad topped with trout roe.

After our assortment of starters, our entrees arrived.

Neighbor – The Burger

My husband’s burger was quite large and came with a generous side of fries. The beef patty was so incredibly tender, it almost tasted as if it was a shredded beef sandwich.

Neighbor – Curry Fried Chicken

The fried chicken was moist and tender with a very subtle heat, as if it had been marinated in buttermilk and perhaps tabasco. Its batter was light and crispy but tightly packed. The sauce tasted a bit like thousand island dressing which was a nice pairing with the chicken.

Neighbor – BBQ Ribs

Last but not least were the turmeric pork ribs with toasted sesame seeds. They were tender and moist with a slightly tangy barbecue sauce.

We are incredibly happy that Chef Fullilove is back in West LA and cannot wait to introduce his Southern cuisine which he has expertly fused with a bit of Asian influence. His menu offering is perfect for the ethnically diverse city of Venice Beach. We’re hoping that he makes the Westside his “Neighbor”-hood home for a bit so we can introduce his spectacular cuisine to some of our friends and continue to partake in his sensational offerings.


1031 Abbot Kinney

Venice, CA 90291

Grace Gambin

A Travel Foodie

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