Saturday Supper & A Show in San Pedro

Saturday Supper & A Show in San Pedro

San Pedro is not really a destination which has held much interest for Westsiders or even those who live in other beachside communities. It’s been many years, perhaps even a decade since we’ve visited the city other than to board a cruise at the port. However, this past Saturday evening was the exception. Cirque du Soleil had a new show called Amaluna at its port and that was our motivation for our visit.

It took about 40+ minutes for us to get there on a Saturday night. I used google maps to figure out which restaurants were in close proximity to the event and decided on Pappys’s Seafood which seemed very reasonably priced and was walking distance. I called and made a reservation because San Pedro is not quite linked to any traditional online reservations apps like Open Table, Resy or Yelp.

We found free parking half a block away, walked in, checked in with the hostess and were seated immediately. I had read that the building was previously a post office. It was quite beautiful, bright, open and spacious. The restaurant had tall ceilings and two walls had floor to ceiling windows. Our server was fantastic and all of the runners and busboy were equally responsive.

We started with a Titos martini and Moscow mule. 

For dinner, we both ordered sea bass. My husband ordered garlic butter, roasted red potatoes and salad while I ordered mine with chimichurri, fries and salad.

My husband also ordered two additional sides of Cole slaw and Mac n cheese. My husband said that my fish was better than his but not having tasted his I cannot personally confirm. What I will say is that the chimichurri sauce was recommended by our server but having eaten at South American restaurants, the sauce did not seem authentic. However, the fish was tender and it was quite herbaceous so I cannot complain. The mac n cheese had a crusty top layer from the breadcrumbs but the cheese flavor was light and not overpowering. The salads, Cole slaw and fries were fine but nothing extraordinary. All in all, it was a fantastic deal for the amount of food with a full bar experience. The prices were comparable to a California Fish Grill but in a much more interesting and lively setting.

From our dinner location, we walked about 10 minutes to the tent for Amaluna. Signs were everywhere. We walked along the path where people can workout on machines of their choosing. As we were walking, we saw swarms of cars stuck in traffic, attempting to find parking for the show. Anticipating the traffic jam, I had planned our arrival so that we could have an enjoyable, leisurely dinner with time to walk it off before the show.

We meandered down the path and made it to the entrance. Embarrassingly, there was a bit of a hiccup when we inadvertently cut in front of a long line of people waiting to take photos under the Amaluna archway. We apologized profusely for our error in judgment and lack of observation.

We entered the tent and looked to see if there was a line for the interior poster of Amaluna and luckily there was not. There was somebody on staff who was volunteering to take our photo so we took her up on her offer.

Afterwards, we headed to the shop as I wanted to buy a shirt to commemorate our visit. We bought a magnet as well and then lined up to our door to head to our seat.
We had been given the opportunity to upgrade a week or so before the event. I’m a Cirque member and perhaps that’s why they reached out to me. We previously had seats in the back section but were afforded the chance to move to the third row for an additional $40 per ticket saving us about $60 if I had chosen those seats initially. 
We chatted a bit with our neighbors to the left of us and found out they’re Vietnamese. Since Saigon aka Ho Chi Minh city is on our list of places to visit we picked their brains a bit. During our conversation, I shared that I was born in the Philippines to the husband and he admitted that he was a refugee for a year confined to one of the Philippines’ islands. In that moment, I was whisked to all the horrific war documentaries about the Vietnam war, how they were forced to live in tunnels and how strong and tenacious the Vietnamese people were, living in darkness and in relative silence, surviving the horror that occurred above ground. With that one sentence, I was transported in time and place and though obviously I wasn’t personally responsible for what transpired, I felt sadness and regret for what he and his fellow refugees endured.

Amaluna also offered a similar experience but more along the lines of a philosophical time travel. The storyline was introduced as a coming of age story. As with any tale of the like, there are conflicts, struggles and obstacles to overcome. Though Amaluna whisked you to another time and to another place, it is recognizable but from a distant past. Yet, because history repeats itself, the emotions remain timely and relevant. 

Interspersed in the storyline were the standard Cirque du Soleil displays of strength and athleticism, balance and breath. In this performance, the focus was primarily on gymnasts rather than trapeze artists, clowns and anorexic contortionists. Though in one of the last acts, there were 2 women and 1 man who looked severely petite, most of the performers looked muscular and strong which was refreshing. 

I had veered away from watching Cirque’s last few offerings because it became as formulaic as a Danielle Steele novel. Fortunately, Amaluna offered much more than the standard template and that is why this performance will stand out amongst the rest, though admittedly “O” in Vegas is still my number one pick of all their shows and I’ve seen quite a few shows in the last 25 years.

On our way out, after making a 3rd stop at the very clean but very tight portal potties, we headed our and followed the path back to our car parked near the restaurant. Walking alongside us was a very petite, 4’8″ girl with slim legs and straight blonde hair, wearing a denim jacket and black leggings. She looked like a mini version of Reese Witherspoon but as I kept looking at her, I had a sneaking suspicion she was one of the main characters on the show. My husband, having no fear of talking to strangers or celebrities, walked us toward her direction and politely asked if she was one of the cast members which she confirmed she was. I commented on how quickly she was able to change and how sensational she was. For those who are curious, the performer we saw is Anna Ivaseva who I now follow on Instagram. She played Miranda and I’ll stop short of sharing her storyline since the whole show was about her and her journey. 
All in all, it was a fantastic evening. Sometimes travel isn’t a physical journey. At times like on Saturday evening, it’s a metaphysical, intellectual and emotional journey. It’s the epiphanies and the takeaways from these snippets in time which help us grow, understand each other a bit better. 

Thanks for a great and enlightening evening San Pedro!

Pappys’s Seafood 301 6th Street San Pedro, CA 90731

Cirque du Soleil’s Amaluna

Atmosphere Mar Vista

I have driven by Atmosphere and its predecessor many times in the past several years. It seemed more of a breakfast or brunch place but I was surprised that it had a nice dinner offering. In the spirit of trying out new restaurants every week, I made a reservation for this evening and off we went.

When we arrived, we were able to find street parking on Venice half a block away. We entered the restaurant and were immediately greeted by our would-be server, Dennis. The main dining room was a third of the way full so plenty of seats were available. We chose a nice half booth, half table halfway into the dining room. 
We started off with a nice glass of Chardonnay and a draft beer.

Our appetizers included a margarita flatbread which was crispy and delicious, a light and piping hot macaroni and cheese and a large delicious helping of a Brussels sprouts salad, sans raisins with crispy bacon on the side. The trio made for a nice welcoming treat to the bohemian vibe of the restaurant. 

Our entrees arrived shortly after our appetizers were finished. I ordered the steak and Parmesan fries with mushroom sauce. The steak was quite juicy and tender and the mushroom sauce added a layer of complexity. Sadly, the Parmesan fries were flavorless and were the weakest part of my dinner experience. 

My husband ordered a burger and his order came with the garlic fries which were far superior to my order of wimpy Parmesan fries. He seemed to enjoy his burger though admittedly, I didn’t partake so I cannot truthfully vouch for it. However, his plate was practically licked clean so there’s that. 

Overall, for the price, ambiance, casual vibe and great service, Atmosphere is a solid choice in a neighborhood which has fancier and budget busting eats like The Mar Vista and Little Fatty which are both fine restaurants but take serious commitment to deal with the large and loud crowds and the much fatter dinner check.

We were quite happy with our unpretentious and delicious dining option and would recommend to all who are looking for a quiet, solid dining experience on the Westside. 

Atmosphere Mar Vista

12034 Venice Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90066

Hillstone Santa Monica

We had originally planned on having a casual dinner at a newly opened ramen place in the area but on my drive home from work, I had an overwhelming hankering for baby back ribs. The only option was either Houstons’s in El Segundo or Hillstone in Santa Monica. To my chagrin, the Houston’s in the South Bay had no reservations available. The Santa Monica location appeared to have a 9:30 availability. However, when I arrived home, a unicorn reservation for 8 p.m. appeared on Resy which I immediately accepted. We arrived exactly on time and from entrance to exit, the entire dinner experience took 40 minutes.

Having frequented the establishment many times over in the past decade or so, we had our regular dishes in mind. We ordered our Titos martini and Titos Moscow mule to start. For our appetizer, we ordered the savory, crispy, cheese toasts which were absolutely divine. 

Then we had the Thai jungle salad with filet mignon. The noodles were al dente, the chunks of filet were tender and juicy. The portion size could have easily been an option for a main entree.

However, we had other plans for our actual meals. My husband ordered the half chicken with black rice and beans. It looked to be moist and perfectly prepared, juicy, not greasy, with the perfect concoction of seasonings and spices.

The reason for our trip was my entree: the full rack of baby back ribs. I omitted the cole slaw in favor of a double order of fries. The ribs were so moist, juicy, flavorful that I nearly ate the entire rack. Realizing my gluttony, I stopped short with two ribs left to go.

Houstons/Hillstone has been a love of mine for nearly two decades. Their recipes at every location has remained tried and true and consistent throughout. That cannot be said of even some of the more famous steakhouses like Mastros or Del Frisco’s. I could easily recommend this chain and not fear any inconsistency in service of quality. 


202 Wilshire Blvd.

Santa Monica, CA 90401

Creamy lemon garlic langostine pasta with asparagus

Creamy lemon garlic langostine pasta with asparagus

Sometimes inspiration for dinner strikes me at the most opportune times, like today, when I was in the midst of buying ingredients for what I thought I wanted to make for dinner. I had originally planned on grilling up some turkey burgers but needed to serve it with roasted potatoes or frozen tater tots or fries. I went to Sprouts in search of a bag of organic Yukon Gold potatoes but they didn’t have any in stock. On the way to the frozen aisle section, my eyes came across organic bag of frozen baby asparagus. 

I am a huge fan of frozen veggies. They never go bad unless somehow they’re opened and not properly sealed and get freezer burn. I usually buy organic frozen peas, spinach and broccoli in bulk because they’re an easy and necessary addition to all home cooked meals. Organic frozen asparagus is like that unicorn one never expects to find. I grabbed two bags and immediately thought of a replacement dinner menu: a pasta dish with the frozen langostines I previously bought in bulk from Coscto, sautéed in garlic and butter, mixed in with freshly squeezed lemon juice and heavy whipping cream mixed with cut asparagus and topped with some lemon zest and sprinkles of crushed red pepper flakes. 

I darted to the spice aisle since I was fresh out of red pepper flakes and after paying for my finds, I headed off to Trader Joe’s to get a bag of organic lemons, a bag of organic gluten-free brown rice and quinoa fusilli pasta and the organic heavy whipping cream. 

To start, I took a 1/3 of the 2 lb langostines from the freezer and did a quick thaw in a bowl full of water and let it sit in the sink for about 15 minutes. I sealed up the remaining langostines in double Ziploc freezer bags and put them back in the freezer.

I got the pot of water boiling for the pasta and got the saute pan ready for the butter and garlic. In the meantime, I opened up the bag of frozen asparagus and proceeded to cut the asparagus in fourths, throwing out the ends. I wanted a size uniformity for the pasta, the langostines and asparagus. 

I added 2 tablespoons of butter to the pan and swirled it around to coat the bottom completely. Then I added 2 tablespoons of crushed garlic (thank you Costco for selling these in big containers at $4.99 each). I added the thawed out langostines to the pan and seasoned them with a bit of black pepper. 

When the langostines were halfway cooked, I added the pasta to the boiling water and the frozen asaparus to the pan.

I sautéed both the langostines and asparagus. After they were fully cooked, I removed them from the pan and placed onto a separate plate and stored in my warming oven.

I zested the lemons and saved the zest on a plate or bowl for later. I squeezed the lemons and set aside.

I added the remaining butter to the pan, melted it and added 1 tablespoon of garlic before adding the cream and lemon juice. I stirred frequently and kept it on medium heat so that it didn’t curdle. 

Gluten free pasta tends to cook much faster than regular pasta so it’s important to watch your time, follow the estimate on the package and possibly set your timer. Once it’s al dente, I drained the pasta in a colander. Once it was fully drained, I placed the pasta back in the pot, added the previously cooked langostines and asparagus on top of the pasta and poured the sauce from the saucepan into the pot. 

I mixed up all the ingredients making sure the sauce coated all the ingredients. I sprinkled a bit of red pepper chili flakes and added the lemon zest and served!

1 1 lb bag of organic gluten-free brown rice and quinoa rotini

1 lb frozen langostines, thawed

1 lb frozen organic asparagus

3 tablespoons of organic crushed garlic

4 tablespoons of organic unsalted butter

4 organic lemons

1 quart of organic whipping cream

Organic black pepper to season

Organic red chili pepper flakes to season

1. Thaw the frozen langostines in the refrigerator overnight or a quick thaw in a bowl of water.

2. Boil a pot of water

3. While the pot is boiling, place 2 tablespoons of butter in the saute pan and swirl to coat the surface.

4. Add garlic to the pan and spread it evenly before adding the langostines.

5. Season the langostines with black pepper.

6. Add pasta to the pot of boiling water.

7. Cut the frozen asparagus into thirds and add to the langostines when they’re halfway cooked, stirring often.

8. Once the langostines and asparagus are cooked, remove them from the pan, place them on a plate and into a warming oven or in the oven set at the lowest temperature.

9. Drain the pasta and place back in the pot. 

10. Add 2 tablespoons of butter in the saute pan and add 1 tablespoon of garlic.

11. Add the cream and lemon juice, stirring often.

12. Keep it at medium heat for about 5 minutes.

13. Once the sauce is done, take the plate out of the oven and add to the pasta in the pot, adding the sauce on top. 

14. Stir so that the ingredients are all blended together.

15. Add the lemon zest and sprinkle some red chili pepper flakes.

16. Serve and enjoy!

Del Frisco’s Grille

Del Frisco’s Grille is a lively, contemporary, hip yet understated restaurant which has replaced the longtime resident, Il Fornaio, on the famed Ocean Avenue across the landmark Santa Monica Pier. It has a very different vibe and offering than its predecessor. It’s casual but refined and yet not stuffy. Perhaps it’s because of its close proximity to the beach and pier or because it’s in the heart of Santa Monica’s tourist area which attracts locals and visitors alike so it behooves them to welcome all to their establishment. 

Del Frisco was on my new and noteworthy list on Yelp for quite some time but life happened so we ended taking our time to make our first visit and didn’t head over until the last Friday of April. We luckily arrived early and parked in the Santa Monica mall parking lot, saving us the ridiculous valet prices. The Colorado and 2nd Street parking lot is one block away from the restaurant. 

When we arrived and checked in with the hostess, we were immediately seated. That was the beginning of our amazing service by the staff throughout the night. We had a server and she had an assistant. They were so on top of things, we wanted for nothing. 

We started our evening toasting to the end of the work week with a Chopin martini and a Chopin Moscow mule. Decent sizes and portions and obviously stellar drinks. 

For our starter, we ordered the Cheesesteak Eggrolls which were recommended as one of their most popular items. Truth be told, this is one of those dishes that in theory could be interesting but in execution did not work at all. You could taste the crispy eggroll wrapper, along with the meat and the cheese and drizzled on the plate was the sweet and sour sauce but being Asian and having gone to Asia, the flavor combination is not one which would be applauded in any part of that continent. It was trying too hard to be fusion and it was a flop. 

The next dish was the iceberg lettuce wedge salad. The lettuce was quite crisp but the bacon wasn’t crispy enough to give it that counter crunch. The dressing was good but overall, it was a forgettable experience. Nothing about it stood out.

I ordered the baby back ribs for dinner. The ribs were tender but sadly I have to compare it to Hillstone/Houstons fork tender ribs and these didn’t surpass the former. They were good but not the best. My initial order of Parmesan fries were a dud. There was no seasoning at all on the fries. They weren’t crispy and the Parmesan cheese were just sitting on top. One of the managers came by and I expressed my disappointment so she went into the kitchen and ordered me a fresh batch with a side of truffle oil and the do-over was 10 times better.

My husband ordered the filet trio from the Spring menu. The steak was quite tender.

He ordered the truffle macaroni and cheese as his side dish which was decadent and exemplary. The cheese and truffle soaked through the pasta and the entirety of that dish which made it incredibly rich. 

To top off the evening, we ordered the peanut butter chocolate pie which was perfection. It was not sweet but had the gooey texture that only a peanut butter, chocolate combo could create. 

Of everything we ate, we would definitely order the truffle mac & cheese again as well as the dessert. Next time, we would likely scale back and try some of the burgers which are a little less expensive and more popular option on their menu. 

Our dinner set us back $97 each with tax and tip but truthfully, the quality of the food tasted like it should have cost $65 though admittedly the service was top notch. We will keep all in mind going forward and order accordingly.

Del Frisco’s Grille

1551 Ocean Avenue

Santa Monica, CA 90401

Menus Hub

The Win-Dow at American Beauty

When I heard about a reasonably priced casual eats opening in Venice, I was hopeful that it would at least be decent in flavor and quality. We chose Easter Sunday to try it out. We initially headed to Astro Doughnuts but they were completely sold out of the PB&J doughnuts and had no fried chicken left so we ventured 7 minutes south to American Beauty.

We parked in the residential neighborhood and walked over to the corner lot. There are only plastic stools and benches for seating and makeshift tables. You order at the window and minutes later, they call your name.

In planning out my order a few weeks prior, I had decided to get a cheeseburger patty on top of the fried chicken patty to capture the best of both worlds. My husband ordered a double cheeseburger and we shared an order of the kale salad and fries. 

The kale salad was quite delicious. It probably had a bit more dressing than I would have liked but it was light and the lemon vin was the perfect accompaniment to the crispy croutons and the pecorino cheese interspersed throughout.

My husband thoroughly enjoyed his burger. What made their burger patty unique is the onion mix added to the beef so it gives it an added dimension of flavor and depth. 

My double patty, the double turf which I am coining the ggfoodie, was the perfect combination. I had the melted cheesy goodness layered on top of the onion meaty patty sitting atop a crispy breaded chicken breast with the house sauce sitting as a dip at the bottom of the double patty. That was a winning combination. I didn’t bother with the bun because I eat my carbs in fries.

The cole slaw wasn’t our favorite because it was a bit oily and greasy but everything else definitely worked for us.

The Win-Dow at American Beauty is definitely a solid winner and we will be frequenting this casual and cheap eats for many years to come.

The Win-Dow at American Beauty

425 Rose Avenue

Venice, CA 90291

Dear John’s Bar

I’m in what can only be described as a happiness food coma from our sensational dinner experience at Dear John’s which was recently reopened this last week as a passion project by the renowned Hans Rockenwagner, Patti Rockenwagener and Josiah Citrin. To say that I am in love and enamored with the food and the vibe at the restaurant would be an understatement. It’s been quite some time where I’ve been personally transformed and moved by the food, the service and the ambiance. 

I had been to Dear John’s a few times before in its original incarnation. We came for New Year’s Eve dinner several years ago and the patrons clearly had been loyal to the staff and the food for quite some time. The food was okay, moderately priced, the pianist and singer were entertaining and it was a solid, respectable night.

Tonight’s dinner extravaganza was not even the same conversation or the same crowd. The clientele seemed more established, more polished but not uptight. This reincarnation did not have live entertainment but they had lively music playing in the background. The restaurant looked like a more tightened version of the original with a nod to its history. 

The food, however, was a complete 180. Everything we ordered just topped our expectations which is a sensational sign for the success of this “do-over” that our city, Culver City, is so incredibly lucky to have for the next two years. We started with the tableside Caesar salad which was a show in and of itself. It was creamy and delicious, perfectly and evenly mixed with the dressing.

Our friends ordered the garlic bread, avocado crab Louie, shrimp cocktail and wedge salad to start, which all looked beautiful. The garlic bread was the only one I sampled of the four and though I try to limit my carbs, that toasted, garlic, buttery goodness was definitely worth the splurge. Each order came with two delicious breadsticks.

My husband and I ordered the filet with cafe de Paris butter, chicken Parmesan and broccolini.

Our friends ordered the ribeye, lobster Thermidor, creamed corn and fries. We got a bonus treat of the spaghetti and clams from Hans and Patti.

There are no words for how amazing everything tasted. For me, it’s been a while since I’ve eaten at a top quality restaurant where everything tasted like they should and all the accompaniments fit together. Everything seemed like it was prepared and cooked by an Iron Chef but understated, and that is a huge accomplishment in a town that has so much competition. 

To top off this magical evening was the mind boggling chocolate peanut butter wafer dessert. It took 2 hands to cut through the dense deliciousness. I’m not a dessert person, but I somehow accidentally yet deliberately ate 3 very large teaspoons of the ice cream and the cake combo. If I had a dessert of choice, that would embody my ideal. It was moist, yet dense but not sweet. Each flavor came through with each bite. 

We had met Josiah through our lovely dinner companions in the past but tonight was our first time meeting Hans and Patti who are just sensational people, committed to the restaurant and were there to meet guests, making sure their dinner experience was everything it should be.

Dear John’s Bar is where people should go for the next two years to treat themselves to an amazing dinner experience and savor in the joys of eating.

We will be back again and will bring our friends. Many thanks to Josiah, Hans and Patti for an amazing delectable dinner experience!

Dear John’s Bar

11208 Culver Blvd.

Culver City, CA 90230

Seasalt Fish Grill

I had been wanting to try this casual eats for some time. It’s not quite in downtown Culver City so it’s away from the madness and perhaps that was my hesitation previously. However, on Good Friday, after a long, exhausting week, we just wanted to go somewhere and have some decent, reasonably priced food without any effort of getting dressed up. 

Seasalt Fish Grill is located in a building with adjacent free parking. You walk up to the counter, order and they give you a number to place on your table. It’s beer, wine, sake and shoji only. They have a TV where you can watch whatever sports event is in season. The seating is casual and comfortable. The restaurant is not very big but it didn’t seem to be very busy on a Friday night.

We ordered the seaweed salad, half spicy tuna, half salmon poke bowl with mango, corn, avocado, the North Shore shrimp which came with rice, red onions and pickled cucumber and the fish and chips with garlic Parmesan fries.

The poke bowl was the winner though some bites of the fish were tough but overall the flavor combination was varied and enjoyable. The seaweed salad was solid and had remnants of sesame flavor.

The North Shore shrimp had the shell on the breading which was unexpected, and it tasted sweet, unlike the three plates of garlic shrimp we had at Giovannis’s Shrimp Truck on the North Shore of Oahu. The pickled cucumber countered the sweetness of the plate.

The fish and chips were okay. The breading didn’t attach to the fish in 2 of the 3 fish sticks and the garlic Parmesan flavor didn’t absorb into the fries. 

Overall, for the quality of the food, we would give it 3 stars. The location, convenience, casualness and service, we would give a 4. I wouldn’t go out of my way to dine here and for casual seafood eats, I would choose California Fish grill but if you’re in the area, about to watch a show at Kirk Douglas and don’t want to spend a lot of money, Sea Salt Fish Grill would be a solid option. 

Seasalt Fish Grill

9901 Washington Blvd, Ste. 101

Culver City, CA 90232

Seaside on the Pier

When we decide to dine out for dinner, we want to experience a different environment, people watch and/or treat ourselves for enduring and surviving yet another busy, arduous workweek. I judge a restaurant not just by the quality of the food but also equally on its service. Tonight’s food was delicious and very reasonably priced so that is what this review will focus on because of the manager, Jose, who intervened after I had come barreling into the kitchen screaming, agitated, asking for our food, because it took 25 minutes to get our drink orders, 10 minutes to get the lid to our coconut shrimp sauce which we were taking home with our leftover shrimp and 30 minutes after ordering to receive our salad and 2 entrees. 

What we chose to remember from our evening was the part that was enjoyable and memorable and the reason we made the trek to the beach. Santa Monica and the Pier, to be exact, have had a special place in my heart since I was a kid. My dad had a job in Santa Monica so on weekends, he would make the trek from West Covina to Santa Monica to show me some of the places he discovered. The pier was one of those places that was magical for me then and now. Despite the mass crowds, especially over the summer, it’s a happy place, where one can feel like a child, feel like you’re on vacation and be whisked away from all your grown-up worries. 

I somehow came upon Seaside on the Pier on the Santa Monica website. I looked at their menu which was very reasonably priced and decided to book a table on Open Table. I knew we were going to run a few minutes late so we tried to call on the road but nobody answered. In the midst of the crazy traffic on Ocean Avenue, I let my husband out so we wouldn’t be late for our 7:30 reservation and I went on the hunt for parking. After I found a lot, I walked with the crowd of tourists from Germany, Russia and other countless visitors from other countries venturing to the famous pier.

Luckily, the restaurant wasn’t too far from the entrance and I headed up the stairs to the restaurant where my husband was seated on the second floor, in the outside patio by a heat lamp. It was great seeing people on the pier, from all walks of life, seeing kids, dogs, teens wearing shorts, sweatshirts and flip flops, everybody on their own journey and different paths. 

The first to arrive were the coconut shrimp. They were piping hot and needed a few minutes to cool off so they could be eaten. The batter was tight and stuck to the shrimp. They were perfectly crisp on the outside and the shrimp was meaty. It’s sweet and sour sauce was a nice accompaniment. 

The next batch of food was the chicken Caesar, the seafood pasta and the grilled salmon. The winner of the evening was the pasta dish. There were lots of chunks of seafood and the Alfredo sauce had a bit of heat to it. The salmon was also quite good, perfectly grilled and lightly seasoned with a side of tasty cilantro rice and mixed green beans. The chicken Caesar salad with chicken was good but of all the dishes, could probably be skipped on our next venture. 

Jose took us on the rooftop which has a fantastic view of the Ferris wheel, the pier and the ocean. I think once the kitchen staff, the servers and the host tighten up, this place will be a force to be reckoned with as the view is sensational. Yes, it’s located in a very touristy area but it doesn’t have offensive tourist trap prices and the food is actually quite good. Seaside on the Pier is on my Must Watch list.  

Seaside on the Pier

250 Santa Monica Pier

Santa Monica, CA 90401


California Fish Grill – South Bay

After a very grueling TRX/Pilates combo class, I was beyond famished and was thinking of healthier eats so as not to complete negate my morning workout. I remembered that California Fish Grill was just around the corner from Yogaworks so off I went.

My favorite is their swai with brown rice, French fry split and grilled zucchini. The garlic butter sauce adds an added layer of fat and flavor which is acceptable in light of my workout. The fish is always cooked perfectly, slightly charred and yet moist. The rice is fluffy and the fries are crispy. The grilled zucchini rounds out the meal which bumps up the health factor a bit.

For a total of $10.17, it’s definitely a bargain on this side of town and is a very well rounded meal where one does not feel deprived. For a healthy budget friendly meal, one can’t go wrong at California Fish Grill.

California Fish Grill

730 S. Allied Way

El Segundo, CA 90245

Grace Gambin

A Travel Foodie

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